Danh sách các trường thuộc chương trình SDS tại Ontario, Canada


Sẵn sàng du học – Student Direct Stream (SDS) là một chương trình xử lý giấy phép du học cấp tốc dành cho những người đăng ký du học Canada tại một cơ sở đại học Canada được chỉ định sau trung học (DLI), hay còn được gọi là những trường đại học được cấp phép cho du học sinh đăng ký học. SDS có sẵn cho những cư dân hợp pháp cư trú tại những nước như Trung Quốc, Ấn Độ, Maroc, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal và Việt Nam.


Du học Canada là một trong số địa điểm du học nổi bật nhất trên toàn thế giới. Không những môi trường sinh hoạt tiện ích mà tân tiến nhất mà Canada cũng là một trong những nơi có nền học thuật phát triển hàng đầu thế giới. Canada còn nổi tiếng là có những trường đại học danh tiếng mà chi phí học tập cũng như sinh hoạt khá cân bằng với túi tiền của các du học sinh.

Du học Canada có thể nói là rẻ hơn gấp đôi khi so với nước láng giềng của mình là Hoa Kỳ. Vì thế, Canada có thể được biết là thiên đường học tập mơ ước của hàng triệu con người trên toàn thế giới. Chính phủ Canada cũng có rất nhiều chính sách hỗ trợ học sinh quốc tế khi du học tại Canada. Một trong những chương trình du học đại học Canada nổi tiếng nhất là chương trình SDS.

Chương trình SDS là gì?

Student Direct Stream (SDS) là một chương trình xử lý giấy phép du học cấp tốc dành cho những người đăng ký du học Canada tại một cơ sở đại học Canada được chỉ định sau trung học (DLI), hay còn được gọi là những trường đại học được cấp phép cho du học sinh đăng ký học.SDS có sẵn cho những cư dân hợp pháp cư trú tại những nước như Trung Quốc, Ấn Độ, Maroc, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal và Việt Nam.

Danh sách các trường tại Ontario

BANG Ontario
A1-Global College of Health, Business, and TechnologyABC Access Business College

ACE Acumen Academy

AIMS College Healthcare Management Technology

APlus Institute

Académie de Dessin de Mode Richard Robinson Academy of Fashion Design

Academy of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) Inc.

Academy of Learning

Academy of Learning Career College – Thunder Bay

Academy of Learning Career and Business College

Academy of Learning College

Academy of Learning College – Kingston

Adler Graduate Professional School

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Canada Inc.

Algoma University

Algonquin Careers Academy

Algonquin College

Alpha College of Business and Technology

Anderson College of Health, Business and Technology

Art & Technique Academy of Hairstyling and Esthetics

Aveda Institute Toronto

Avola College Of Hairstyling and Esthetics

BITTS International Career College

Bay College of Health Business and Technology

Beauty Institute Canada

Beta College of Business and Technology

BizTech College of Health Sciences, Business & Technology

Brampton Flight Centre

Brampton Skin Care Academy Inc.

Brantford Aviation College

Brescia University College

Brock University

Bryan College of Applied Health & Business Sciences

Business and Technical Training College Inc.

C.C.E.C. Canadian Career Education College Ltd

CDI College of Business, Technology and Healthcare

CITI College of Canadian Careers

CJ Health Care College

CLI College of Business, Health & Technology


CMU College of Makeup Art and Design

CRD College of Health Care

CTS Canadian Career College Inc

Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology

Can-AIM Careers Academy

CanPacific College of Business and English Inc.

Canada Christian College & School of Graduate Theological Studies

Canada College of Education

Canada’s National Ballet School

Canadian Academy of Dental Health & Community Sciences

Canadian All Care College

Canadian Automotive & Trucking Institute

Canadian Beauty College

Canadian Business College

Canadian Business Skills College of Technology

Canadian College for Higher Studies

Canadian College of Business, Science & Technology

Canadian College of Educators

Canadian College of Health, Science and Technology

Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

Canadian Forces College

Canadian Institute of Management & Technology

Canadian International Career College

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC)

Canadian Montessori Teacher Education Institute

Canadian National Institute of Health Inc.

Canadian Natural Therapist and Aesthetics Academy

Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary

Canadian School of Natural Nutrition

Canadian Technical and Management College

Canadian Technology College

Canadore College

Canadore College at Stanford International College of Business and Technology

Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology

Capital English Solutions and Mentora College of Business & Technology

Career College Group

CareerQuest Inc.

Carleton University

Centennial CollegeCentre of English Studies

Certcana Systems Institute

Cestar College of Business Health & Technology

Chef School

Chellsey Institute of Beauty and Health Inc.

City College of Business, Health & Technology

Clarkridge Career Institute

Collège Boréal

College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Canada

Computek College of Business Healthcare and Technology

Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (Brock University)

Conestoga College

Confederation College

Connect International School

Conrad Grebel University College

Cornwall Aviation (1979) Ltd.

CultureWorks English as a Second Language, Inc.

Dan Robert College of Health Care

Diamond Flight Centre London Inc.

Dominican University College

Dominion College of Business Health and Technology Inc.

Don Mills Career College for Health, Business and Technology

Durham College

Durham Flight Centre Inc.

EC Toronto

EF International Language Centres

ELS Language Centers

Eden College Health Sciences, Wellness, Aesthetics, Hair

Edge Academy

Eight Branches Inc.

Emmanuel Bible College

Emmanuel College of Victoria University

English Encounters Inc.

English School of Canada Inc.

Essential Helicopters

Ethnos Canada

Evergreen College

Evergreen College Brampton

Evergreen College Mississauga Campus

FaithWay Baptist College of Canada

Fanshawe College

Flair College of Management and Technology

Fleming College

Foundation for Montessori Education

Freedom College of Business Healthcare and Technology Inc

Futures Canadian College of Business, Health and Technology

GEOS Languages Plus

George Brown College

Georgian College

Gestalt Institute of Toronto

Great Lakes Helicopter Corp.

Greystone College of Business and Technology (Toronto) Inc.

Hamilton Institute for Health Personnel

Hansa Language Centre

Hanson International Academy

Harris Institute For The Arts

Heartland International English School

Heritage College & Seminary

Herzing College

Humber College

Huntington University (Laurentian University)

Huron University College

IBT College Business Travel & Tourism Technology

ILAC – International College

ILAC – International Language Academy of Canada

ILSC Toronto

Innovations in Business Solutions Inc

Innovations in Business Solutions Inc.

Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies

Institute for Christian Studies

Institute of Machine Tool Technology

Institute of Technical Trades Limited

International Academy of Massage Inc

International Beauty Institute

International Centre for English for Academic Preparation Inc

International Institute of Travel and Business

International Test Pilots School

JRS College of Business and Health Care Inc

Jenny Wong Beauty Institute

Jyot’s Aesthetics Academy

KLC College: Healthcare, Business, EducationKaplan International English

Kikkawa College

King’s University College

Knox College

La Cité collégiale

Lakehead University

Lambton College

Language Studies International (Canada) Ltd.

Laurentian University

Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Culinary Arts Institute

Liaison College

London Language Institute

Loyalist College

Loyalist College at Toronto Business College

MAG Canada

MLC College of Business, Technology and Healthcare

Maayanos Torah

Master’s College and Seminary

Max the Mutt College of Animation, Art & Design

McMaster Divinity College

McMaster University

Metalworks Institute of Sound & Music Production

Metro College of Technology

Metrocare Health Academy

Miami Ad School Toronto

Mississauga Career College

Mohawk College

NAV Canada

National Academy of Health & Business

National Helicopters Inc

National Institute of Hairstyling and Advanced Aesthetics

Ner Israel Joseph (J.T.) Tanenbaum Yeshivah College of Toronto

NetPlus College of Information Technology

Netsoft College of Technology

NewCastle College of Business and Technology

Niagara College Canada

Nipissing University

North American Business College of Sciences & Language

North American College of Information Technology

North American College of Pharmaceutical Technology

North American School of Information Technology Inc. (NASIT)

Northeastern University

Northern College

OCAD University

OIEG Oxford International Education Group

Ontario College of Business and Law

Ontario College of Health and Technology

Ontario College of Technology

Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ontario Institute of Audio Recording Technology

Ontario Truck Driving School

Ontario Truck Driving School

Ottawa School of Art / École d’art d’Ottawa

Ottawa School of Beauty Limited

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College

Oxford College of Arts, Business & Technology Inc.

Oxford College of Arts, Business and Technology Inc.

Peak Healthcare Private College

Petrel College of Technology

Pharma-Medical Science College of Canada

Progressive Training College of Business and Health

Protégé School

Pures College of Technology

Queen’s Language School

Queen’s College of Business, Technology & Public Safety

Queen’s University

Quest Language Studies

RAC Digital Arts College, Recording Arts Canada

Randolph College for the Performing Arts

Redeemer University College

Regis College

Renison University College

Royal Canadian College of Massage Therapy Inc.

Royal Canadian Institute of International Studies

Royal Crown College of Business and Technology

Royal Military College of Canada

Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto

Ryerson University

Ryerson University International College

Saint Elizabeth Health Career College

Sault CollegeSault College of Applied Arts and Technology at Trios College

School of Photographic Arts Ottawa

Seneca College

Sheridan College

Shiatsu School of Canada Inc

Six Nations Polytechnic

Sol Schools International

Southern Ontario Dental College

Spectrum Airways

Sprott Shaw Language College (Ontario) Corp.

St. Augustine’s Seminary of Toronto

St. Clair College

St. Clair College at Ace Acumen Academy

St. George International College

St. Jerome’s University (University of Waterloo)

St. Lawrence College

St. Paul’s University College (University of Waterloo)

St. Philip’s Seminary / The Oratory of St. Philip Neri-Toronto

St. Thomas Flight Centre

Stafford House Toronto

Stanford International College of Business and Technology

Stratford Air Services Ltd.

Sunview College Business Technology Healthcare

TAHA Academy of Beauty, Business & Health

Tamwood Careers

Tamwood International College Ltd.

Tamwood Language Centres

The Aesthetics and Hairstyling College of Canada

The Audio Recording Academy (T.A.R.A)

The Automotive Training Centre (Ontario) Ltd.

The Create Institute

The Language Gallery

The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences

The Royal Conservatory of Music

The School of Toronto Dance Theatre

Thorneloe University (Laurentian University)

Toronto Airways Inc.

Toronto Art Therapy Institute

Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College

Toronto Business College

Toronto College of Dental Hygiene and Auxiliaries Inc.

Toronto Economical Management College

Toronto Film School

Toronto Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology

Toronto International Business College

Toronto Montessori Institute

Toronto School of Management

Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Transitions College of Business & Career Studies

Travel College Canada

Trebas Institute

Trent University

Trillium College

Trillium Esthetic & Hair Technology College

Tyndale University College & Seminary

Université Saint-Paul/St. Paul University

Université de Hearst

Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa

University of Guelph

University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)

University of St. Michael’s College

University of Sudbury (Laurentian University)

University of Toronto

University of Trinity College

University of Waterloo

University of Windsor

Upper Madison College of Advanced Language Learning and Skill Development

Victoria College in Victoria University (University of Toronto)

Waterloo Lutheran Seminary (Wilfred Laurier University)

Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre

Wellsprings College of Massage Therapy & Esthetics

Western Town College for ESL

Western University

Westervelt College

Wilfrid Laurier University

Willis College of Business, Technology, Healthcare

Willowbank School of Restoration Arts

Word of Life Bible Institute

World Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture College

Wycliffe College

York Construction Academy

York University

Yorkville University/Toronto Film School

triOS College Business Technology Healthcare Inc.

triOS College Business Technology Healthcare Inc.

Theo Etest


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